Well it’s the start of another week! We had base worship this morning and I am so excited that everyone volunteered Hope from Canada to sing against her will. She rocked it even though her mic stopped working after the first song. Haha and thanks to Vickey I was able to have delicious chocolate milk all week long. Yum. Our speaker this week is Fiona Gifford from England. She started teaching on Discipleship and let me just say she is a total spitfire. She was cracking us up the whole time and had us do crazy things to brake down walls. The teaching is going to be great and start to prepare us for outreach as a true team. The subject of discipleship is where I think my true passion as a missionary is going to come out. It will either make it or break it for me.
The showers in the girl’s dorm have been broken now for three days… and everyone laughed that I brought baby wipes incase there were no showers!! Haha. It was pretty interesting that we washed our hair in the sink and brought buckets of cold water from the sink back and fourth to the shower. It was quite the crazy scene but together as a team of 14 girls we got the job done.
Everything else has been pretty awesome. We have started preparing to go to Niko. We leave Saturday and come back Tuesday. Niko means to “over come.” It’s a four-day survival camp in the wilderness. We are only allowed to bring a couple items that DON’T include body wash, toothpaste, or deodorant. The leaders always joke that this is when we will really find out if we will get married to someone in our DTS because we will be encountering REAL pheromones!! Gross but I am excited for the adventure. I had to buy a pocketknife and I am glad my mom sent me with some super duper bug repellent bands cause I am sick of these spider bites!! I know God will move through us and test our limits and our team effort. I am excited because I have always felt like I had to be the leader. No matter how bad it stressed me out in life, I always take charge. That’s not going to work at Niko. I will be forced to ‘overcome’ my leadership role and only use it if necessary. I know God has a purpose for Niko and I feel blessed that my DTS leaders felt this is something worth experiencing. I know we will have to fall to God and each other. Can’t wait to blog about it when we get back. I’m sure I’ll have interesting stories and hopefully some awesome inside jokes.
I praise God everyday I’m here. I know he has brought me here for a reason. It is no coincidence that this base is in the buildings of an old hospital. I see people still being healed here, including myself. More than one person has had and given me the words ‘open heart surgery’ regarding the healing of my heart and it makes sense that it would be conducted in God’s hospital YWAM Worcester. That thought makes me smile.
Fiona has challenged me to now take my healing heart and start the process of healing my mind and reanalyzing the way I think about the world and the people of it. I love the concept that she calls Arrows Up. Meaning when you start to get angry or you curse or you get frustrated, you stop and realize no… this is not a demon.. This is living in the flesh.. challenges we face all the time. So to take that realization and point the arrow up. Really ask yourself ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ and because you want to…. Not just because you feel you have to. I really want to change my thinking and start LIVING MY LIFE!!!!!!! Stop all the negative crap and just move on with joy and love that God offers. We did an exercise where we looked into the eyes of different people to really view them as God does. It was very uncomfortable at first to stare in the eyes of people I just met a month ago, but even without talking I felt more close to them and could see the true person they were made to be. Sometimes I laughed and with others I cried. It was very moving.
Well, to sum it up. God is still moving in my life and the lives of others here. Its great to know there is a plan and we are part of it.
Stay naturally supernatural!